Call For Paper


Prospective authors are invited to submit paper reporting original unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to the conference.

Length of paper: Minimum 6 pages and maximum 10 pages. Papers need to submitted in the following format, in docx form.

Regular papers should present novel perspectives within the general scope of the conference. Short papers (Work-in-Progress) are an opportunity to present preliminary or interim results.

The paper will be sent for peer review to at least two independent reviewers for review and the full-length paper will be accepted for publication in conference proceedings based on the suggestions of the reviews.(There will be additional Publication Charges for Scopus Indexed Proceedings).

The IC-IPSET,24 organizers regard plagiarism as a serious professional misconduct. All submissions will be screened for plagiarism and the similarity index of the article should be less than 20%.

A submission implies that the author intends to ultimately register the paper upon a favorable response from the conference organizers. We doesn’t encourage withdrawals after the paper is accepted.

Authors should submit their papers online.

For clarifications, contact Prof. Veena Jayakrishnan, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, MBITS  (+919745365116).

To submit your abstracts click here. Please type in your abstracts not exceeding 250 words in the space provided. Please include name of authors, affiliation and contact number at the bottom of abstract.

Click here for full paper format.

For any doubts or clarifications, contact Prof. Veena Jayakrishnan, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, MBITS  (+919745365116).

Submit your camera ready paper here.

Click here to download the copyright agreement. (The copyright agreement need to be submitted only after final acceptance of full paper)


  1. Call for Paper                                                   06.04.2023
  2. Submission deadline for Abstracts                     10.04.2024
  3. Notification of acceptance                                06.05.2024
  4. Submission deadline for  Full Paper                   20.06.2024
  5. Notification of Full paper acceptance                 28.06.2024
  6. Camera ready paper                                          10.07.2024
  7. Registration  starts                                           05.05.2024
  8. Registration ends                                              30/06/2024            
  9. International Conference                                   29th to 31st July 2024